stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
What were Satan and his demons "doing" up in heaven, before being "cast down" in 1914?
by Dunedain ini was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
stan livedeath
why didnt jehovah simply kill satan all those years ago--? -
Revelation - it's grand climax is at hand
by Listener insome people point out the subliminal pictures in the wtbts publications but sometimes things are just so obvious, such as the title of the book above.. the person who came up with the title for this book must have had a good old laugh.. interestingly, this book first came out in 1988 and has not been included in the online library but nothing has replaced it.
the org is really going backwards when they ditch old light and cannot come up with anything new.
they are real wankers ;)..
stan livedeath
i think the opening post to this thread is totally lost on most of the repliers. lol.
maybe someone could post the deaf masturbation video link at this stage. they might then get the point.
Are we participants in this forum because of bouts of "loneliness"?
by Wonderment ini wonder how many of us here hold on to this meeting place out of "loneliness.
could it be that we harbor feelings of "abandonment" and "loneliness" from being left cold and dry by the wt people and our families?
perhaps we do have a need to reach out to people with similar experiences.
stan livedeath
i was introduced to this site in 2010.
i was brought up in the cult from age 10 till i quit at 23. i eventually came to terms with the loss of my kids to it.
many years passed by--till i found out my older son had been d/f--and i was worried about him. eventually--i found him--through facebook--and also discovered this brave new apostate world. my son has no interest in the cult--and even less in the xjw world either. hes moved on.
it is true i lead a very lonely--isolated life--and this site in many ways is a social online contact resource. i have no interest in anything bible-related--in fact i stop reading as soon as any scripture is quoted.
i really like reading life stories of others who have found their way out.
What is the monthly stipend that the bethelites receive every month?
by StephaneLaliberte inwhat is the monthly stipend that the bethelites receive every month?
does any one has an actual number?
stan livedeath
i understand they are supposed to notify the society ( GOD i hate that word ) if they receive other money -
Ollin Moyle Rutherford letter request
by Diogenesister inhi all, does anyone know of or has a link to rutherford's letter to ollin moyle.. i 'm just trying to sow some seeds of doubt as to whether boozerford could have had god's holy spirit.. thanks all x.
stan livedeath
sister--really--thats most disrespectful of our dear Brotherturd.
Old Books and Magazines
by twice shy init's been a minute since i was here.
what to do with old books and magazines?
stan livedeath
just pile them all up outside the kingdumb hall. leave them to rot. -
Building layoffs & JW calendar 2016 theme
by Gorbatchov inthe theme of the jw calendar 2016 is building, building, building.
all the calendar pictures are about building wts property with cheap labor witnesses.. and then, just before the year approaches the building has halted.. it seems a short term decision.
a strange correlation again.. gorby.
stan livedeath
i dont suppose most dubs even know about any of the cutbacks. untill the COBE tells them. -
Proof that Watchtower Invested $40M into Hedge funds...
by Newly Enlightened inback in 2007. and now the hedge funds are reporting losses.
could this be why watchtower is crying how broke they are?.
stan livedeath
do words like--gambling and greed come to mind ? -
Can a baptism be annulled?
by angel.face ini joined this site about 4 years ago and life was very different to say the least.
i was a jw and started the process of 'waking up' after experiencing life threatening blood loss due to complications of a pregnancy.
i was married with two kids (husband was an ms) and was a stay-at-home mom.
stan livedeath
s: “Stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.”
so--if you disassociate--you are no longer calling yourself a brother--so how can this apply to you ? ( this is what i did )
If they're just going to emulate Jimmy Swaggart and the like (e.g.: JW Broadcasting), why do they need such a massive compound in Warwick?
by Calebs Airplane inthey're obviously getting rid of the rags, drastically reducing printing of books in general, eliminating special pioneers, etc., etc.. ... what could they possibly need a 1.6 million square feet compound for (not including outside space) in the middle of nowhere?.
just to put things into perspective, 1.6 million square feet is equal to the square footage of roughly twelve (12) costco warehouse clubs.
stan livedeath
i know--its where theyre all going to live after armageddon